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时间: 2024-10-06 21:02:56


1. The two parties reached a settlement after months of negotiations. (双方经过数月的谈判达成了和解。)

2. The government's settlement with the indigenous community was a milestone in addressing historical injustices. (政府与土著社区的和解是解决历史不公正的一个里程碑。)

3. The settlement of the estate took longer than expected due to legal complications. (由于法律纠纷,遗产的清算花费的时间比预期的长。)

4. The company agreed to a financial settlement to resolve the dispute with its former employee. (公司同意进行经济赔偿以解决与前员工的纠纷。)

5. The settlers established a new settlement in the fertile valley. (移民在肥沃的山谷建立了一个新的定居点。)

6. The parties involved in the lawsuit finally reached a settlement outside of court. (涉案各方最终在法庭外达成了和解。)

7. The treaty included terms for the peaceful settlement of disputes between the two nations. (该条约包括了两国和平解决争端的条款。)

8. The United Nations is working towards a peaceful settlement of the conflict in the region. (联合国正在努力实现该地区冲突的和平解决。)

9. The small town was a peaceful settlement where people lived harmoniously. (这个小镇是一个人们和睦共处的和平定居点。)

10. The settlement of the unpaid bills was a relief for the company's financial department. (未付账单的结算对公司财务部门来说是一种解脱。)

11. The settlement between the warring factions brought an end to the years of conflict. (交战各方之间的和解结束了多年的冲突。)

12. The court approved the settlement, bringing closure to the long legal battle. (法院批准了和解协议,为漫长的法律斗争画上了句号。)

13. The settlement between the landlord and the tenant was reached amicably. (房东和租户之间的和解达成了友好协议。)

14. The company offered a generous settlement to compensate for the damages caused by the faulty product. (公司提供了慷慨的赔偿以弥补由于产品故障造成的损失。)

15. The government announced a financial settlement to support the victims of the natural disaster. (政府宣布了经济赔偿以支持自然灾害的受害者。)

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