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时间: 2024-10-06 22:54:00


1. The settler built a cabin in the wilderness and began to cultivate the land.(这个移民在荒野上建了一间小屋,并开始耕种土地。)

2. The settlers traveled west in search of a better life.(这些移民向西方旅行,寻求更好的生活。)

3. The first settlers arrived in the new land with hopes of establishing a new community.(第一批移民带着建立新社区的希望来到了这片新土地。)

4. The settler exchanged goods with the indigenous people for food and supplies.(这个移民与土著人交换物品换取食物和物资。)

5. The settlers faced many hardships as they tried to adapt to the unfamiliar environment.(这些移民在试图适应陌生环境时面临许多困难。)

6. The settlers cleared the land and planted crops to sustain themselves.(这些移民清理土地,种植庄稼以维持生计。)

7. The settlers established a trading post to facilitate commerce with neighboring communities.(这些移民建立了一个贸易站,以便与邻近的社区进行商业往来。)

8. The settlers formed a cooperative to support each other in times of need.(这些移民组成了一个合作社,在需要的时候互相支持。)

9. The settlers constructed a school to educate their children and future generations.(这些移民建立了一所学校,培养他们的孩子和未来的后代。)

10. The settlers faced conflicts with the native inhabitants over land rights.(这些移民与土著居民就土地权利发生了冲突。)

11. The settlers celebrated their first harvest in the new land.(这些移民在新土地上庆祝他们的第一次丰收。)

12. The settlers worked together to build a church as a center for their community.(这些移民共同努力,建立了一座教堂作为他们社区的中心。)

13. The settlers organized a militia for protection against potential threats.(这些移民组织了一支民兵,以保护自己免受潜在的威胁。)

14. The settlers developed a system of governance to manage their growing community.(这些移民建立了一套治理体系,来管理他们不断发展的社区。)

15. The settlers established trade routes to connect their settlement with distant markets.(这些移民建立了贸易路线,将他们的定居点与遥远的市场连接起来。)

上一个 【英语】settlement的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】seven的例句



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