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时间: 2024-09-20 01:11:16


1. She was unable to go to work due to her sickness.(她因病无法去上班。)

2. The sickness spread quickly through the crowded city.(疾病在拥挤的城市迅速蔓延。)

3. His sickness prevented him from enjoying the trip.(他的疾病使他无法享受旅行。)

4. The doctor diagnosed her sickness as the flu.(医生诊断她的病为流感。)

5. The sickness left him weak and exhausted.(疾病让他虚弱和疲惫。)

6. The village was hit hard by a mysterious sickness.(村庄遭受了一种神秘疾病的严重打击。)

7. The sickness took a toll on her mental health.(疾病对她的心理健康造成了影响。)

8. The sickness forced the school to close temporarily.(疾病迫使学校暂时关闭。)

9. He was bedridden due to his sickness.(他因病卧床不起。)

10. The sickness was so severe that she had to be hospitalized.(疾病严重到她必须住院。)

11. The sickness affected her appetite and energy levels.(疾病影响了她的食欲和能量水平。)

12. The sickness was finally brought under control with medication.(通过药物治疗,疾病终于得到控制。)

13. His sickness made it difficult for him to concentrate at work.(他的病让他在工作中难以集中注意力。)

14. The sickness was a reminder of the fragility of human health.(疾病提醒人类健康的脆弱性。)

15. Despite her sickness, she remained positive and hopeful.(尽管生病,她仍然保持积极和希望的态度。)

上一个 【英语】sick的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】side的例句



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