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时间: 2024-09-19 11:36:35


1. He sat on the side of the bed, lost in thought. 他坐在床边,陷入了沉思。

2. The car was hit on the side by another vehicle. 这辆车被另一辆车侧面撞上了。

3. She always takes my side in an argument. 她总是站在我这一边在争论中。

4. The restaurant offers a side of fries with every burger. 这家餐厅每份汉堡都附送一份薯条。

5. The sun set on the western side of the mountain. 太阳在山的西侧落下了。

6. He injured his side while playing football. 他在踢足球时伤了侧身。

7. She prefers to sit on the shady side of the garden. 她喜欢坐在花园的阴凉一侧。

8. The two sides of the argument could not reach a compromise. 争论的双方无法达成妥协。

9. The side effects of the medication were minimal. 这种药物的副作用很小。

10. He's always had a rebellious side to his personality. 他的个性中总是有一种叛逆的一面。

11. The house had a beautiful view of the ocean on its seaside. 这所房子的一侧可以看到美丽的海景。

12. She added a side note to the email for further clarification. 她在邮件中添加了一条附注以进一步澄清。

13. The side door of the building was locked. 大楼的侧门被锁上了。

14. He always likes to sit on the driver's side of the car. 他总是喜欢坐在汽车的驾驶座一侧。

15. The side entrance to the park was closed for maintenance. 公园的侧门因维护而关闭。

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