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时间: 2024-11-08 01:00:04


Certainly! "Semimonthly" can mean twice a month, or occurring every two weeks. Here are 15 example sentences along with their Chinese translations:

1. Employees are paid semimonthly, on the 15th and the last day of each month.

- 员工每月15号和最后一天都会领到半月薪。

2. The magazine publishes semimonthly issues, on the 1st and the 15th of each month.

- 这本杂志每月1号和15号都会出版一期。

3. The project progress meetings are scheduled semimonthly, on the 10th and 25th of every month.

- 项目进展会议定期在每月10号和25号举行。

4. Our garbage is collected semimonthly, every first and third Wednesday.

- 我们的垃圾每月第一个和第三个星期三定期收集。

5. She attends semimonthly seminars to improve her leadership skills.

- 她参加半月一次的研讨会以提高她的领导技能。

6. The bank issues statements semimonthly, on the 15th and the last day of each month.

- 银行每月15号和最后一天会出具账单。

7. The club organizes semimonthly events for its members.

- 俱乐部每月举办两次活动供会员参加。

8. The utility bills are due semimonthly, on the 5th and the 20th of each month.

- 公用事业账单每月5号和20号到期。

9. The train service runs semimonthly, every second and fourth Sunday.

- 火车服务每月第二个和第四个星期日开行一次。

10. They meet semimonthly to discuss the budget and expenditures.

- 他们每半个月开会讨论预算和支出。

11. The local newspaper publishes semimonthly updates on community events.

- 当地报纸每半月发布一次社区活动更新。

12. Semimonthly doses of the medication are recommended for optimal treatment.

- 建议每半月服用一次药物,以达到最佳治疗效果。

13. The homeowner's association meets semimonthly to address residents' concerns.

- 业主协会每半月开会解决居民的问题。

14. Semimonthly cleaning of the office ensures a tidy work environment.

- 每半月对办公室进行清洁,确保工作环境整洁。

15. The company issues semimonthly newsletters to keep employees informed.

- 公司每半月发布一次新闻简报,让员工了解最新情况。


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