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时间: 2024-09-18 12:00:05


Certainly! "Effuse" 可以作为动词或形容词使用,意思包括“散发、流露、外溢”等。以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. She effused joy upon hearing the good news.(她听到好消息后洋溢着喜悦。)

2. The flowers effused a delightful fragrance.(花朵散发出宜人的香气。)

3. He effused gratitude towards his supporters.(他对支持者流露出感激之情。)

4. Her speech effused confidence and optimism.(她的演讲充满了信心和乐观。)

5. The artist's paintings effuse a sense of tranquility.(艺术家的画作散发出一种宁静的感觉。)

6. The candle effused a warm glow in the room.(蜡烛在房间里散发出温暖的光芒。)

7. She effusively thanked everyone for their hard work.(她热情地感谢每个人的辛勤工作。)

8. The review effused praise for the chef's culinary skills.(评论对厨师的烹饪技巧赞不绝口。)

9. The book effuses with historical detail.(这本书充满了历史细节。)

10. His smile effused kindness and sincerity.(他的微笑流露出善意和诚意。)

11. The aroma of fresh bread effused from the bakery.(面包店里传出了新鲜面包的香气。)

12. The bride effused with happiness on her wedding day.(新娘在她的婚礼日里洋溢着幸福。)

13. The novel effuses a sense of nostalgia for the past.(这部小说散发出对过去的怀旧情感。)

14. His speech effused passion for the cause he championed.(他的演讲充满了对他所支持事业的热情。)

15. The sunset effused the sky with vibrant colors.(日落使天空充满了生动的色彩。)


上一个 【英语】diffusion的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】effusion的例句



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