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时间: 2024-09-14 00:53:09


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "effusion," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The poet's effusion of emotions captivated the audience during the reading.

- 诗人情感的流露在朗诵中吸引了观众。

2. Her speech was an effusion of gratitude towards everyone who supported her.

- 她的演讲是对所有支持她的人的感激之情的表达。

3. The artist's painting was an effusion of colors and creativity.

- 艺术家的画作充满了色彩和创意的表现。

4. He wrote a heartfelt effusion of love in his letter to her.

- 他在给她的信中写下了一封充满深情的爱的表白。

5. The effusion of tears after the tragic news was overwhelming.

- 在接到悲剧性消息后的泪如泉涌。

6. The play was an effusion of wit and humor, keeping the audience entertained throughout.

- 这部戏剧充满了机智和幽默,让观众始终保持着兴奋。

7. Her speech was an effusion of optimism, inspiring everyone in the room.

- 她的演讲充满了乐观主义,激励了在场的每一个人。

8. The author's latest novel is an effusion of imagination and literary prowess.

- 作者最新的小说充满了想象力和文学才华的展示。

9. The concert was an effusion of musical talent and passion.

- 音乐会充满了音乐才华和激情的展示。

10. Her essay was an effusion of ideas, each more compelling than the last.

- 她的论文充满了思想的流露,每一个都比上一个更具有说服力。

11. The wedding ceremony was an effusion of joy and celebration.

- 婚礼仪式充满了喜悦和庆祝的气氛。

12. The speech was an effusion of anger, reflecting the frustrations of the community.

- 这篇演讲充满了愤怒,反映了社区的挫折感。

13. The poem was an effusion of sorrow, resonating deeply with those who heard it.

- 这首诗充满了悲伤,深深触动了听众的心弦。

14. His artwork was an effusion of raw emotion, captured in every brushstroke.

- 他的艺术作品充满了原始情感,每一笔触都捕捉到了。

15. The performance was an effusion of skill and dedication, earning a standing ovation.

- 这场表演充满了技巧和奉献精神,赢得了全场起立鼓掌。


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