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时间: 2024-09-29 02:52:16



1. Example: The lawyer focused on the minutia of the contract to find any potential loopholes.

- 中文解释: 律师关注合同的细节以寻找任何潜在的漏洞。

2. Example: She was absorbed in the minutia of her research and missed the broader implications of her findings.

- 中文解释: 她沉浸在研究的细节中,忽视了发现的更广泛的意义。

3. Example: The historian meticulously documented the minutia of daily life in ancient Rome.

- 中文解释: 历史学家详细记录了古罗马日常生活的细节。

4. Example: Understanding the minutia of a foreign culture can enhance your travel experience.

- 中文解释: 了解外国文化的细节可以提升你的旅行体验。

5. Example: He got bogged down in the minutia of the project and lost sight of the overall goal.

- 中文解释: 他被项目的细节困住了,忘记了整体目标。

6. Example: The novel is rich with minutia that brings the setting and characters to life.

- 中文解释: 这部小说充满了细节,使背景和人物栩栩如生。

7. Example: She tends to get lost in the minutia of her plans, which sometimes causes delays.

- 中文解释: 她倾向于陷入计划的细节中,这有时会导致延误。

8. Example: The minutia of the legal procedure can be overwhelming for someone without a law background.

- 中文解释: 对于没有法律背景的人来说,法律程序的细节可能会令人不知所措。

9. Example: While the minutia of the policy are important, the general principles are more crucial.

- 中文解释: 虽然政策的细节很重要,但总体原则更为关键。

10. Example: The artist paid attention to every minutia in the painting to achieve the desired effect.

- 中文解释: 艺术家关注画作中的每一个细节,以实现预期效果。

11. Example: When planning the event, she overlooked some of the minutia that later caused problems.

- 中文解释: 在策划活动时,她忽视了一些细节,后来导致了问题。

12. Example: The minute minutia of the experiment were recorded in the lab notebook.

- 中文解释: 实验的细节被记录在实验室笔记本中。

13. Example: Focusing on the minutia of the design helped him perfect the final product.

- 中文解释: 专注于设计的细节帮助他完善了最终产品。

14. Example: The book delves into the minutia of medieval history.

- 中文解释: 这本书深入探讨了中世纪历史的细节。

15. Example: Understanding the minutia of the language can significantly improve your communication skills.

- 中文解释: 了解语言的细节可以显著提升你的沟通能力。


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