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时间: 2024-09-29 00:58:00



1. The amount of money they offered was minuscule compared to what we expected. (他们提供的钱与我们期望的相比微不足道。)

2. The chances of success seemed minuscule, but they decided to try anyway. (成功的机会看起来微乎其微,但他们还是决定尝试。)

3. The company's profit margins were minuscule, leading to financial difficulties. (公司的利润率微不足道,导致财务困难。)

4. She made a minuscule mistake in the calculation, but it had significant consequences. (她在计算中犯了一个微小的错误,但后果却很严重。)

5. The teacher noticed every minuscule detail in the artwork. (老师注意到了艺术作品中的每一个细微之处。)

6. His contribution to the project was minuscule compared to the others. (与其他人相比,他对项目的贡献微不足道。)

7. The insect was minuscule, almost invisible to the naked eye. (这只昆虫非常微小,几乎肉眼看不见。)

8. The probability of encountering such a rare species is minuscule. (遇到这样稀有的物种的可能性微乎其微。)

9. Despite its minuscule size, the device has impressive capabilities. (尽管体积微小,这个设备具有令人印象深刻的功能。)

10. The village had a minuscule population, barely reaching a hundred inhabitants. (村庄的人口微不足道,勉强达到一百居民。)

11. The error rate in the new system was minuscule, indicating its reliability. (新系统的错误率微乎其微,表明它的可靠性。)

12. The molecule is minuscule in comparison to the size of the cell. (与细胞的大小相比,分子微小得多。)

13. They found a minuscule leak in the pipe that was causing the problem. (他们发现管道中的一个微小漏洞正是问题的根源。)

14. The cost of repairs was minuscule compared to the value of the antique car. (与古董汽车的价值相比,修理费用微不足道。)

15. Her voice was so soft that it was almost minuscule in the noisy room. (她的声音如此柔和,在喧闹的房间里几乎听不见。)


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