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时间: 2024-10-07 12:49:28



1. The aboriginal people of Australia have a rich cultural heritage that dates back thousands of years. (澳大利亚的土著人拥有悠久的文化遗产,可以追溯到数千年前。)

2. The aboriginal tribes of North America have diverse traditions and languages. (北美的土著部落拥有多样的传统和语言。)

3. She studied the aboriginal history of Canada for her research project. (她为研究项目学习了加拿大的原住民历史。)

4. The government has recognized the rights of aboriginal peoples to their ancestral lands. (政府已经承认了土著人民对他们祖先土地的权利。)

5. The aboriginal artwork displayed in the museum tells stories of creation and mythology. (博物馆展示的土著艺术品讲述了创世神话的故事。)

6. He is working closely with aboriginal communities to improve healthcare access. (他正在与土著社区密切合作,以改善医疗保健的获取。)

7. Many aboriginal languages are endangered due to declining numbers of fluent speakers. (许多土著语言因流利说者数量减少而濒临灭绝。)

8. The aboriginal elders play a crucial role in preserving traditional knowledge and customs. (土著长者在保护传统知识和习俗方面发挥着关键作用。)

9. There has been a renewed interest in aboriginal art among collectors worldwide. (全球收藏家对土著艺术重新产生了兴趣。)

10. Aboriginal hunting techniques vary widely depending on the region and available resources. (土著的狩猎技术因地区和可用资源的不同而有很大差异。)

11. She attended a workshop on aboriginal rights and land claims. (她参加了一次关于土著权利和土地索赔的研讨会。)

12. The documentary explores the struggles faced by aboriginal communities in modern society. (这部纪录片探讨了土著社区在现代社会中所面临的困境。)

13. The school curriculum now includes more content about aboriginal history and culture. (现在学校的课程包括更多关于土著历史和文化的内容。)

14. The government is providing funding for programs aimed at supporting aboriginal entrepreneurs. (政府正在为支持土著企业家的项目提供资金支持。)

15. Efforts are being made to preserve aboriginal languages through education and cultural initiatives. (正在通过教育和文化倡议努力保护土著语言。)


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