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时间: 2024-10-07 14:57:35


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "ordain," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The bishop will ordain new priests next Sunday. (主教将在下周日祝圣新神父。)

2. It is tradition for the elders to ordain the next leader of the tribe. (长老们有传统的权利来任命部落的下一位领袖。)

3. The constitution ordains that all citizens have the right to vote. (宪法规定所有公民有投票的权利。)

4. The law ordains a minimum sentence for such offenses. (法律规定了这类罪行的最低刑罚。)

5. He felt ordained to pursue a career in medicine. (他觉得自己天命所归,要从事医学事业。)

6. The prophecy seemed to ordain their meeting. (预言似乎注定了他们的相遇。)

7. The committee will ordain the rules for the competition. (委员会将制定比赛的规则。)

8. Fate had ordained that they would cross paths again. (命运注定了他们会再次相遇。)

9. The religious text ordains a strict code of conduct. (宗教文本规定了严格的行为准则。)

10. The university has the authority to ordain degrees. (大学有权颁发学位。)

11. Custom ordains that we bow before entering the shrine. (习俗规定我们在进入神社之前要鞠躬。)

12. The king was ordained by divine right. (国王被视为上帝授予的权利。)

13. The constitution ordains the separation of powers among branches of government. (宪法规定了政府各部门之间的权力分立。)

14. The council will ordain the city's development plan. (市政委员会将通过城市发展计划。)

15. It was ordained in their family that the eldest son would inherit the estate. (家族传统规定长子继承财产。)


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