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时间: 2024-09-19 11:46:08


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "accost" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The stranger accosted her on the street, asking for directions. (陌生人在街上搭讪她,询问路线。)

2. I don't appreciate being accosted by salespeople when I'm trying to shop in peace. (我不喜欢在我想平静购物时被销售人员搭讪。)

3. He accosted me at the party, eager to discuss his latest project. (他在派对上搭讪我,急于讨论他的最新项目。)

4. The protesters accosted the politician outside the building, demanding answers. (抗议者在建筑外搭讪政客,要求答复。)

5. She was accosted by photographers as soon as she stepped out of the car. (她一下车就被摄影师们搭讪。)

6. It's uncomfortable when strangers accost you in public places. (当陌生人在公共场所搭讪你时,感觉很不舒服。)

7. The journalist accosted the CEO after the press conference to ask some tough questions. (记者在新闻发布会后搭讪了CEO,问了一些棘手的问题。)

8. She was accosted by a group of fans asking for autographs. (她被一群粉丝搭讪,要求签名。)

9. We were accosted by panhandlers as we walked through the park. (我们在公园里走路时,被乞丐搭讪了。)

10. He accosted me in the hallway with a barrage of complaints. (他在走廊里搭讪我,一连串地抱怨。)

11. They accosted each other at the conference, sharing ideas and contacts. (他们在会议上搭讪彼此,分享想法和联系方式。)

12. The actress was accosted by reporters as she left the theater. (女演员离开剧院时,被记者们搭讪。)

13. She didn't like to accost strangers for help, preferring to figure things out on her own. (她不喜欢搭讪陌生人求助,更喜欢自己解决问题。)

14. The politician was accosted by angry constituents demanding action on environmental issues. (政客被愤怒的选民搭讪,要求在环境问题上采取行动。)

15. Don't accost me with your problems right before bedtime. (睡前别跟我抱怨你的问题。)


上一个 【英语】coruscate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】idiosyncrasy的例句



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