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时间: 2024-09-20 01:00:21



1. Her idiosyncrasy was to always wear mismatched socks. (她的特点是总是穿不搭配的袜子。)

2. His idiosyncrasy was to hum loudly while working. (他的特点是工作时总是哼哼唧唧。)

3. One idiosyncrasy of the town is its annual pickle festival. (该城镇的一个特点是每年的腌制食品节。)

4. The artist's idiosyncrasy was to paint using only his fingers. (这位艺术家的特点是只用手指作画。)

5. She had the idiosyncrasy of always carrying a small stuffed animal in her bag. (她的特点是总是在包里带着一个小毛绒动物。)

6. One idiosyncrasy of the company is its policy of allowing dogs in the office. (该公司的一个特点是允许在办公室里带狗。)

7. The idiosyncrasy of the building's design is its unusual spiral staircase. (建筑设计的特点是其不寻常的螺旋楼梯。)

8. His idiosyncrasy in conversation was to always use metaphors from old movies. (他在谈话中的特点是总是用老电影的比喻。)

9. The idiosyncrasy of her cooking was adding cinnamon to almost every dish. (她烹饪的特点是几乎每道菜里都加肉桂。)

10. He had the idiosyncrasy of collecting vintage toy cars. (他的特点是收集复古玩具车。)

11. The idiosyncrasy of the language is its complex system of honorifics. (这种语言的特点是其复杂的尊称系统。)

12. Her idiosyncrasy as a teacher was to begin every class with a joke. (她作为老师的特点是每节课都以一个笑话开始。)

13. The idiosyncrasy of the novel is its nonlinear narrative structure. (这部小说的特点是其非线性叙事结构。)

14. His idiosyncrasy as a musician was to incorporate sounds from nature into his compositions. (他作为音乐家的特点是在作品中融入自然的声音。)

15. One idiosyncrasy of the culture is its tradition of celebrating the new year with fireworks. (该文化的一个特点是用烟花庆祝新年。)


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