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时间: 2024-09-10 05:23:55


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with "chieftain" along with Chinese translations:

1. The chieftain led his tribe through the treacherous mountain pass. (首领带领部落穿过危险的山口。)

2. The chieftain convened a council to discuss the upcoming harvest. (酋长召集了一个会议讨论即将到来的丰收。)

3. As a respected chieftain, he mediated disputes among neighboring tribes. (作为一位受尊敬的首领,他调解了邻近部落之间的争端。)

4. The chieftain's decision was final and binding for the entire village. (酋长的决定对整个村庄具有最终和约束力。)

5. Under the guidance of their wise chieftain, the tribe prospered. (在智慧的首领指导下,部落繁荣昌盛。)

6. The chieftain wore a headdress adorned with feathers and beads. (酋长戴着装饰有羽毛和珠子的头饰。)

7. Legend has it that the ancient chieftain possessed magical powers. (传说古代酋长拥有神奇的力量。)

8. The chieftain's son was being groomed to succeed him. (酋长的儿子正在接受培养以继承他的位置。)

9. The chieftain was known for his bravery and strategic acumen. (酋长以其勇敢和战略才智而闻名。)

10. The chieftain addressed the tribe, urging unity in the face of adversity. (酋长向部落发表讲话,敦促面对逆境时团结一致。)

11. The chieftain's hut was situated at the heart of the village. (酋长的小屋位于村庄的中心。)

12. Each chieftain had a unique crest that symbolized their tribe. (每个酋长都有一个象征其部落的独特纹章。)

13. The chieftain's authority extended over several neighboring clans. (酋长的权威覆盖了几个邻近的氏族。)

14. The chieftain presided over the sacred rituals of the tribe. (酋长主持部落的神圣仪式。)

15. The chieftain's wisdom was sought by leaders from other tribes. (其他部落的领袖们寻求酋长的智慧。)

Hope these examples are helpful!

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