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时间: 2024-09-17 13:15:51



1. The village was situated in a picturesque riverain landscape. (该村庄坐落在风景如画的河滨地区。)

2. The riverain communities depend on the annual flooding for their agriculture. (河滨社区依赖于每年的洪水来进行农业生产。)

3. The study focused on the biodiversity of riverain forests. (该研究侧重于河滨森林的生物多样性。)

4. He grew up in a riverain town along the Amazon. (他在亚马逊河畔的一个小镇长大。)

5. The riverain ecosystem supports a variety of aquatic species. (河滨生态系统支持着各种水生物种。)

6. The riverain population relies heavily on fishing for their livelihood. (河滨居民主要依靠捕鱼谋生。)

7. The riverain terrain is characterized by its fertile soil and abundant water supply. (河滨地区以肥沃的土壤和丰富的水源为特征。)

8. They decided to build their vacation home in a riverain setting. (他们决定在河滨地区建造他们的度假屋。)

9. The documentary explored the traditions of riverain cultures around the world. (这部纪录片探讨了世界各地河滨文化的传统。)

10. Riverain vegetation provides important habitat for local wildlife. (河滨植被为当地野生动物提供重要栖息地。)

11. Many riverain communities face challenges from seasonal flooding. (许多河滨社区面临来自季节性洪水的挑战。)

12. The riverain plains stretch for miles along the coast. (河滨平原沿着海岸延伸数英里。)

13. Riverain development must be balanced with environmental conservation efforts. (河滨开发必须与环境保护努力相平衡。)

14. The riverain region is known for its biodiversity and natural beauty. (该河滨地区以其生物多样性和自然美景而闻名。)

15. Their culture is deeply rooted in riverain traditions and customs. (他们的文化深深扎根于河滨的传统和习俗。)


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