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时间: 2024-09-17 13:29:40



1. She carried an armful of books upstairs. (她抱着一把书上楼。)

2. He gathered an armful of firewood for the fireplace. (他收集了一把柴火用于壁炉。)

3. The florist handed her an armful of roses. (花店老板把一把玫瑰递给了她。)

4. He came back from the market with an armful of groceries. (他从市场回来,抱着一把杂货。)

5. She picked an armful of wildflowers from the field. (她从田野里摘了一把野花。)

6. The child ran into the room with an armful of toys. (孩子抱着一把玩具跑进房间。)

7. The farmer carried an armful of hay to feed the horses. (农夫抱着一把干草去喂马。)

8. She bought an armful of clothes during the sale. (她在促销期间买了一把衣服。)

9. He struggled to carry an armful of logs for the campfire. (他费力地抱了一把柴木去生篝火。)

10. The librarian returned with an armful of returned books. (图书管理员抱着一把归还的书回来了。)

11. The student dropped an armful of notebooks in the hallway. (学生在走廊里把一把笔记本书掉了。)

12. She unloaded an armful of boxes from the car. (她从车上卸下一把箱子。)

13. He carried an armful of tools into the garage. (他抱了一把工具进了车库。)

14. The teacher distributed an armful of worksheets to each student. (老师给每个学生分发了一把练习册。)

15. They arrived with an armful of gifts for the birthday party. (他们带着一把礼物来参加生日派对。)


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