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时间: 2024-09-19 11:43:31



1. He showed great courage and determination, proving his manhood in the face of danger.(他在危险面前展现出了巨大的勇气和决心,证明了他的男子气概。)

2. Many cultures have rituals to mark the passage from boyhood to manhood.(许多文化都有标志从少年到成年男子的仪式。)

3. He felt a responsibility to provide for his family, a sign of his manhood.(他感到有责任供养家庭,这显示了他的男子气概。)

4. As he grew older, he began to understand the complexities of manhood.(随着年龄的增长,他开始理解男子气概的复杂性。)

5. The novel explores themes of honor and duty in relation to manhood.(这部小说探讨了男子气概与荣誉、责任之间的关系。)

6. He faced the challenges of adulthood with the stoicism of manhood.(他以男子汉的坚忍面对成年的挑战。)

7. In traditional societies, manhood is often defined by acts of bravery and strength.(在传统社会中,男子气概通常以勇敢和力量的表现来定义。)

8. He struggled to find his own path to manhood in a world that demanded conformity.(在一个要求一致性的世界里,他努力找到通向男子气概的自己的道路。)

9. His mentor guided him through the rites of passage that symbolized his journey into manhood.(他的导师引导他通过象征他进入成年男子世界的成人礼。)

10. Society's expectations of manhood have evolved over time.(社会对男子气概的期望随着时间的推移而发生了变化。)

11. He demonstrated compassion and empathy, qualities often associated with true manhood.(他展现出同情和共情,这些品质通常与真正的男子气概相关联。)

12. The film explores the struggles of a young man trying to prove his manhood to his father.(这部电影探讨了一个年轻人努力向他的父亲证明自己的男子气概的挣扎。)

13. Personal growth often involves coming to terms with one's own definition of manhood.(个人成长通常涉及与自己对男子气概的定义达成一致。)

14. He believed that responsibility was the cornerstone of true manhood.(他相信责任是真正男子气概的基石。)

15. The character faced a crisis that tested his principles and ideals of manhood.(这个角色面临一场考验他的男子气概的原则和理想的危机。)


上一个 【英语】armful的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】bachelorhood的例句



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