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时间: 2024-09-17 13:55:11


Certainly! 这里有一些关于"assuming"的例句及其中文解释:

1. Assuming he arrives on time, we can start the meeting at 10 AM. (假设他准时到达,我们可以在上午10点开始会议。)

2. She went ahead with the project, assuming her boss would approve the budget. (她继续进行这个项目,假设她的老板会批准预算。)

3. Assuming you're right, what should we do next? (假设你是对的,我们接下来该怎么做?)

4. Assuming good weather, we'll have a picnic this weekend. (如果天气好的话,我们这个周末会去野餐。)

5. He started packing assuming they would leave early in the morning. (他开始收拾行李,假设他们早上会早早出发。)

6. Assuming the project is completed on time, we'll celebrate next month. (假设项目按时完成,我们下个月会庆祝。)

7. She accepted the offer, assuming it came with a relocation package. (她接受了这个offer,假设它包含搬迁补贴。)

8. Assuming he studies hard, he should pass the exam. (如果他努力学习的话,他应该能通过考试。)

9. Assuming the information is accurate, we can proceed with the plan. (如果信息准确的话,我们可以继续执行计划。)

10. Assuming everyone agrees, we'll finalize the details tomorrow. (假设大家都同意,我们明天就会最终确定细节。)

11. Assuming they finish the repairs today, we can reopen tomorrow. (如果他们今天完成修理的话,我们明天就可以重新开放。)

12. She decided to go, assuming she could find a place to stay. (她决定去,假设她能找到住的地方。)

13. Assuming you want to go, we should buy tickets soon. (如果你想去的话,我们应该尽快买票。)

14. Assuming it's not too expensive, I might buy that camera. (如果不太贵的话,我可能会买那台相机。)

15. He made the decision assuming it would benefit everyone involved. (他做出这个决定,假设这会使得所有相关人受益。)


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