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时间: 2024-09-19 11:37:45


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "engrossing" along with their Chinese translations:

1. Reading this novel was so engrossing that I lost track of time. - 阅读这本小说如此引人入胜,我忘记了时间。

2. The documentary was incredibly engrossing, capturing our attention from start to finish. - 这部纪录片非常引人入胜,从头到尾都吸引着我们的注意力。

3. She found the puzzle game so engrossing that she played for hours without realizing. - 她觉得这个拼图游戏非常吸引人,玩了几个小时都没有察觉。

4. The movie's plot was so engrossing that I didn't want it to end. - 这部电影的情节如此扣人心弦,我不想让它结束。

5. He was engrossing in his research, spending countless hours in the lab. - 他专心致志于他的研究,花了无数个小时在实验室里。

6. The conversation was so engrossing that we didn't notice the time passing. - 这次谈话如此引人入胜,我们没有注意到时间的流逝。

7. The book was an engrossing read, with twists and turns that kept me hooked. - 这本书非常引人入胜,曲折的情节让我着迷。

8. The game's complex strategy made it an engrossing challenge for players. - 这款游戏复杂的策略使其成为玩家们极具吸引力的挑战。

9. The lecture was so engrossing that even the most distracted students paid attention. - 这堂讲座如此引人入胜,即使是最不专心的学生也在认真听讲。

10. Her artwork was so engrossing that visitors spent hours exploring each piece. - 她的艺术作品非常引人入胜,参观者花了几个小时来探索每一件作品。

11. The performance was incredibly engrossing, leaving the audience captivated throughout. - 这场表演非常吸引人,让观众从头到尾都被吸引住了。

12. The history documentary was both educational and engrossing. - 这部历史纪录片既有教育意义,又非常引人入胜。

13. The mystery novel's plot twists were so engrossing that I couldn't stop reading. - 这本推理小说的情节转折如此扣人心弦,我停不下来地读着。

14. The video game's immersive world made it incredibly engrossing to play. - 这款视频游戏的沉浸式世界让玩家玩得非常投入。

15. The architectural tour was surprisingly engrossing, revealing hidden histories of the city. - 这次建筑之旅令人惊讶地引人入胜,揭示了城市的隐藏历史。


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