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时间: 2024-10-05 18:12:07


1. The architecture of the building reflected brutalism, with its use of raw concrete and imposing, geometric forms. (建筑物的风格体现了野兽派主义,采用了原生混凝土和庄严的几何形式。)

2. Brutalism in art often emphasizes stark contrasts and rough textures to convey a sense of raw power and honesty. (艺术中的野兽派主义通常强调鲜明的对比和粗糙的质地,以传达原始力量和诚实感。)

3. The brutalism of his critique shocked the audience, as he spared no details in pointing out the flaws of the project. (他的批评之犀利震惊了听众,他毫不保留地指出了项目的缺陷。)

4. The writer's brutalism in depicting the harsh realities of war left readers deeply moved and reflective. (作家在描绘战争残酷现实时的无情刻画让读者深感震撼,引发深思。)

5. This artist's sculptures exhibit a brutalism that challenges traditional notions of beauty and form. (这位艺术家的雕塑展现了一种野兽派主义,挑战了传统美学和形式的观念。)

6. The filmmaker's use of stark lighting and minimalist sets gave the film a brutalism that matched its intense subject matter. (电影制作者运用鲜明的光线和极简的布景,赋予了电影一种与其强烈主题相匹配的野兽派主义风格。)

7. The novel's brutalism lies not only in its depiction of physical violence but also in its exploration of psychological turmoil. (这部小说的野兽派主义不仅体现在对身体暴力的描绘上,还体现在对心理困扰的探索中。)

8. Critics praised the playwright's brutalism for its unflinching portrayal of societal injustice and human suffering. (评论家们赞扬这位剧作家的野兽派主义,因为他毫不畏惧地描绘了社会不公和人类苦难。)

9. The photographer's work captures the brutalism of urban decay, revealing the beauty in deterioration. (摄影师的作品捕捉了城市衰败的野兽派主义,揭示了衰退中的美丽。)

10. Her poetry reflects a brutalism that confronts the complexities of love and loss with stark honesty. (她的诗歌反映了一种野兽派主义,以赤裸的诚实面对爱与失落的复杂性。)

11. The designer's fashion collection embraced brutalism, featuring bold lines and unconventional materials. (设计师的时装系列拥抱了野兽派主义,以大胆的线条和非传统的材料为特色。)

12. The musician's composition exuded a musical brutalism, characterized by dissonant chords and abrupt shifts in tempo. (音乐家的作品散发出一种音乐上的野兽派主义,以不和谐的和弦和节奏的突然变化为特色。)

13. His speeches were known for their rhetorical brutalism, cutting through political niceties to address urgent social issues. (他的演讲以其辞藻的野兽派主义而闻名,摒弃政治上的矫揉造作,直面紧迫的社会问题。)

14. The artist's use of color and form embodies a brutalism that challenges conventional notions of beauty. (艺术家运用色彩和形式体现了一种挑战传统美学观念的野兽派主义。)

15. The novel's brutalism lies in its unflinching portrayal of human frailty and the relentless passage of time. (这部小说的野兽派主义体现在对人类脆弱性和无情时间流逝的毫不畏惧的描绘中。)

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