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时间: 2024-10-05 18:32:15


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "antagonism" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. There was a clear antagonism between the two political parties during the debate. (辩论中两个政党之间存在明显的对抗关系。)

2. The antagonism between the two rival companies was evident in their aggressive marketing campaigns. (两家竞争对手公司之间的对抗在它们激烈的营销活动中表现得很明显。)

3. His antagonism towards authority figures often caused conflicts at work. (他对权威人物的敌对态度经常在工作中引发冲突。)

4. The antagonism between the protagonist and the antagonist drove the plot forward. (主角和反派之间的对抗推动了情节的发展。)

5. Economic antagonism between nations can lead to trade wars. (国家之间的经济对抗可能导致贸易战。)

6. She felt a sense of antagonism towards her colleague after the disagreement. (在分歧之后,她对同事产生了敌意。)

7. The antagonism between the coach and the players affected the team's performance. (教练和球员之间的对抗影响了球队的表现。)

8. The novel explores the deep antagonism between love and duty. (这部小说探讨了爱与责任之间的深刻对抗。)

9. The antagonism in their relationship reached a breaking point. (他们关系中的对抗达到了破裂的点。)

10. Cultural differences sometimes create an antagonism between neighboring countries. (文化差异有时会在邻国之间制造对抗。)

11. The antagonism between the characters added tension to the storyline. (角色之间的对抗给情节增添了紧张感。)

12. His antagonism towards change made it difficult for the team to innovate. (他对变革的敌意使团队很难创新。)

13. There is a deep-rooted antagonism between the two communities due to historical conflicts. (由于历史冲突,这两个社区之间存在根深蒂固的对抗。)

14. The antagonism between the cat and the dog was evident from their constant fighting. (从它们不断的争斗可以明显看出猫和狗之间的对抗。)

15. His antagonism towards criticism often hindered his personal growth. (他对批评的敌意经常阻碍了他的个人成长。)


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