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时间: 2024-10-08 03:11:28



1. He is a successful capitalist who has invested in multiple industries.

- 他是一位成功的资本家,投资了多个行业。

2. The capitalist system encourages competition among businesses.

- 资本主义制度鼓励企业之间的竞争。

3. In a capitalist society, the means of production are privately owned.

- 在资本主义社会中,生产资料是私人所有的。

4. The entrepreneur embraced capitalist ideals and founded a tech startup.

- 这位企业家拥抱了资本主义理念,创办了一家科技初创企业。

5. Critics argue that capitalist economies exacerbate income inequality.

- 批评者认为,资本主义经济加剧了收入不平等。

6. She studied the history of capitalist thought in her economics class.

- 她在经济课上学习了资本主义思想的历史。

7. Capitalist nations prioritize market forces in determining resource allocation.

- 资本主义国家优先考虑市场力量来确定资源配置。

8. The multinational corporation operates within a capitalist framework globally.

- 这家跨国公司在全球范围内运作在资本主义框架下。

9. His family has been involved in capitalist ventures for generations.

- 他的家族几代人都从事资本主义企业。

10. A key principle of capitalist economics is the concept of private property.

- 资本主义经济学的一个关键原则是私有财产的概念。

11. Capitalist societies emphasize individual initiative and entrepreneurship.

- 资本主义社会强调个人的主动性和企业家精神。

12. The book analyzes the evolution of capitalist systems across different continents.

- 这本书分析了不同大陆上资本主义制度的演变。

13. Some argue that socialist policies can mitigate the downsides of capitalist economies.

- 有人认为社会主义政策可以缓解资本主义经济的不利影响。

14. He advocates for a regulated capitalist economy to ensure fair competition.

- 他主张通过监管的资本主义经济来确保公平竞争。

15. The debate over the merits of capitalist versus socialist systems continues globally.

- 全球范围内关于资本主义与社会主义体系优缺点的辩论仍在进行中。


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