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时间: 2024-10-08 00:56:50


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "simplistic," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. His view of international relations was overly simplistic, failing to consider the complexities of diplomacy.(他对国际关系的看法过于简单化,未能考虑到外交的复杂性。)

2. The teacher criticized the essay for its simplistic analysis of the poem's themes.(老师批评了这篇文章对诗歌主题的简单分析。)

3. Some people have a simplistic belief that money alone can solve all problems.(有些人过于简单地相信钱能解决一切问题。)

4. The politician's speech offered a simplistic solution to a deeply rooted economic issue.(政治家的讲话提供了一个对根深蒂固的经济问题过于简单的解决方案。)

5. The company's marketing campaign was criticized for its simplistic approach to consumer psychology.(公司的营销活动因其对消费者心理的简单处理而受到批评。)

6. His argument was dismissed as being too simplistic to address the nuances of the debate.(他的论点被驳回,因为它太简单,无法解决辩论的细微差别。)

7. The book's characters were criticized for their overly simplistic portrayal of good versus evil.(这本书的人物因其对善恶之间关系的过于简单刻画而受到批评。)

8. She prefers complex novels that explore human nature rather than simplistic stories with predictable endings.(她更喜欢探讨人性的复杂小说,而不是带有预测性结局的简单故事。)

9. The new law was criticized for its overly simplistic approach to solving environmental issues.(新法律因其过于简单的解决环境问题的方式而受到批评。)

10. The film received mixed reviews due to its simplistic storyline and lack of character development.(这部电影因其简单的故事情节和缺乏人物发展而获得了褒贬不一的评价。)

11. The scientist's theory was criticized for its overly simplistic explanation of the phenomenon.(科学家的理论因其对现象过于简单的解释而受到批评。)

12. The artist's work was praised for its simplistic beauty and profound message.(艺术家的作品因其简约的美感和深刻的讯息而受到赞扬。)

13. The educational program aimed to avoid simplistic answers and encourage critical thinking.(教育计划旨在避免简单的答案,鼓励批判性思维。)

14. The CEO's plan for company expansion was criticized as being overly simplistic and unrealistic.(公司扩展的CEO计划因其过于简单和不切实际而受到批评。)

15. The journalist's article provided a simplistic overview of the political situation without delving into its complexities.(记者的文章对政治局势提供了一个简单的概述,未深入探讨其复杂性。)


上一个 【英语】capitalist的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】antagonistic的例句



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