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时间: 2024-09-29 00:54:16



1. The idea that pigs could fly was utter absurdity. (猪会飞的想法是彻头彻尾的荒谬。)

2. His arguments descended into absurdity as he tried to justify his actions. (他为了证明自己的行为是正确的,而最终陷入了荒谬。)

3. The absurdity of the situation struck her as she stood in line for hours. (在排队等候了几个小时后,她意识到了这种荒谬的情况。)

4. It's an absurdity to think that money alone can buy happiness. (认为仅仅靠金钱就能买到幸福是荒谬的想法。)

5. The absurdity of the new regulation became evident to everyone after its implementation. (新规定的荒谬显而易见,实施后大家都看出来了。)

6. His attempt to blame others for his own mistakes was met with ridicule and absurdity. (他试图将自己的错误归咎于他人,结果遭到了嘲笑和荒谬。)

7. The film relies on absurdity for its humor, often placing characters in ridiculous situations. (这部电影以荒诞作为幽默的手段,经常把角色置于荒谬的情境中。)

8. Philosophers often explore the boundaries of absurdity in their existential inquiries. (哲学家们经常在他们的存在主义探讨中探索荒谬的边界。)

9. The absurdity of bureaucracy can be frustrating for those seeking simple answers. (官僚主义的荒谬常常让寻求简单答案的人感到沮丧。)

10. They couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. (他们忍不住笑出声来,因为情况实在是太荒谬了。)

11. The play used absurdity to critique societal norms and expectations. (这部戏剧利用荒谬来批判社会规范和期望。)

12. Despite its absurdity, the theory gained popularity among certain circles. (尽管其荒谬,这个理论在某些圈子中却很流行。)

13. She found herself caught in a web of absurdity as she tried to navigate through the conflicting stories. (在试图理清矛盾的说法时,她发现自己陷入了荒谬的境地。)

14. The politician's promises reached new heights of absurdity during the election campaign. (这位政客在竞选活动中的承诺达到了新的荒谬高度。)

15. The novel uses absurdity to highlight the characters' internal struggles with identity. (这部小说利用荒谬来突显角色们内心对身份认同的挣扎。)


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