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时间: 2024-09-29 02:50:41


当然可以!以下是关于 "geniality" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. His geniality made everyone feel welcome at the party. (他的和蔼可亲让每个人在聚会上都感到受欢迎。)

2. Despite his fame, he maintained a sense of geniality that endeared him to all who met him. (尽管他很有名,但他保持了一种和蔼可亲的态度,让所有见过他的人都喜欢他。)

3. The atmosphere in the room was filled with geniality and warmth. (房间里充满了和蔼与温暖的氛围。)

4. Her geniality was evident in the way she greeted each guest personally. (她的和蔼可亲表现在她如何亲自问候每一位客人上。)

5. He was known for his geniality and sense of humor, which brightened every gathering. (他以和蔼与幽默而著称,使每次聚会都更加愉快。)

6. The geniality of the host put everyone at ease. (主人的和蔼可亲让每个人都感到轻松自在。)

7. The book captures the author's geniality and love for life. (这本书体现了作者的和蔼与对生活的热爱。)

8. Despite his serious profession, his geniality shone through in casual conversations. (尽管他从事严肃的职业,但他在随意的谈话中展现出和蔼可亲的一面。)

9. The workplace thrived under his leadership, characterized by geniality and cooperation. (工作场所在他的领导下蓬勃发展,以和蔼与合作为特征。)

10. His geniality was infectious, spreading cheer wherever he went. (他的和蔼具有感染力,无论他走到哪里都能带来快乐。)

11. The teacher's geniality made learning a joyful experience for the students. (老师的和蔼让学生觉得学习是一种愉快的体验。)

12. Despite the challenges, they faced each day with geniality and optimism. (尽管面临挑战,他们每天都以和蔼与乐观面对。)

13. The elder statesman's geniality endeared him to colleagues and adversaries alike. (这位长者的和蔼让他不论是同事还是对手都喜爱他。)

14. The restaurant was known not only for its delicious food but also for the geniality of its staff. (这家餐馆以其美味食物和员工的和蔼而闻名。)

15. Her geniality was a key factor in the team's success, fostering collaboration and morale. (她的和蔼是团队成功的关键因素,促进了合作和士气。)

希望这些例句能够帮助您理解和使用 "geniality" 这个词!

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