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时间: 2024-09-19 11:32:04


1. 他在公司里总是不可一世的表现自己。

He always behaves like he's the best in the company.

2. 她的不可一世的态度让她在团队中备受尊重。

Her haughty attitude makes her highly respected in the team.

3. 他的不可一世让他得罪了很多人。

His arrogance has offended many people.

4. 她总是不可一世地对待别人。

She always treats others arrogantly.

5. 他的不可一世的态度让人很难接近。

His arrogant attitude makes it hard to get close to him.

6. 不可一世的人往往不受欢迎。

Arrogant people are often unpopular.

7. 他的不可一世使得他在团队中孤立了。

His arrogance has isolated him in the team.

8. 你不必总是不可一世地对待别人。

You don't have to always treat others arrogantly.

9. 她的不可一世使得她失去了很多朋友。

Her haughtiness has cost her many friends.

10. 他的不可一世的态度让他在工作中遇到了困难。

His arrogant attitude has caused him difficulties at work.

11. 不可一世的人往往缺乏谦逊。

Arrogant people often lack humility.

12. 他的不可一世的举止引起了很多人的反感。

His haughty behavior has caused a lot of people to dislike him.

13. 你的不可一世可能会让你失去机会。

Your arrogance may cost you opportunities.

14. 不可一世的人很少受到他人的尊重。

Arrogant people are rarely respected by others.

15. 他的不可一世让他在社交场合中显得很孤单。

His arrogance makes him appear very lonely in social situations.


上一个 【汉语】骄傲造句两个意思造句,中英对照 文章列表 下一个 【汉语】赏心悦目造句,中英对照



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