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时间: 2024-09-19 11:29:39


1. 不仅要好好学习,还要积极参加课外活动。

Not only do you need to study hard, but also actively participate in extracurricular activities.

2. 他不仅是一个出色的演员,还是一位杰出的导演。

He is not only a great actor, but also an outstanding director.

3. 这种药不仅可以治疗感冒,还可以缓解头痛。

This medicine can not only treat colds, but also relieve headaches.

4. 我们的产品不仅在国内畅销,还受到国际市场的欢迎。

Our products are not only popular domestically, but also well-received in the international market.

5. 这个项目不仅对公司的发展有利,还能为当地创造就业机会。

This project is not only beneficial to the company's development, but also creates job opportunities for the local community.

6. 这位教授不仅在学术上有成就,还在社会服务方面做出了很大贡献。

This professor has not only achieved in academics, but also made great contributions in social services.

7. 我们的团队不仅完成了任务,还提前完成了计划。

Our team not only completed the task, but also finished ahead of schedule.

8. 这种食物不仅美味,而且营养丰富。

This food is not only delicious, but also nutritious.

9. 这些新技术不仅提高了生产效率,还降低了成本。

These new technologies not only improve production efficiency, but also reduce costs.

10. 她不仅会弹钢琴,还会演奏小提琴。

She not only plays the piano, but also plays the violin.

11. 这个地方不仅景色优美,而且空气清新。

This place is not only beautiful, but also has fresh air.

12. 这部电影不仅情节紧凑,还有出色的演员阵容。

This movie not only has a tight plot, but also an excellent cast.

13. 这位设计师不仅擅长时尚设计,还精通室内装饰。

This designer is not only good at fashion design, but also proficient in interior decoration.

14. 这本书不仅内容丰富,而且语言流畅。

This book is not only rich in content, but also written in fluent language.

15. 这种新政策不仅促进了经济发展,还改善了民生。

This new policy not only promotes economic development, but also improves people's livelihoods.


上一个 【汉语】是也是怎么造句,中英对照 文章列表 下一个 【汉语】颠沛流离造句,中英对照



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