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时间: 2024-09-19 11:34:43


1. 他被杯弓蛇影吓得不敢再靠近那个地方。

He was so scared by the imaginary fear that he dared not approach the place again.

2. 她总是杯弓蛇影,害怕在黑暗中独自走路。

She is always afraid of walking alone in the dark, always imagining dangers that are not there.

3. 这个小孩总是杯弓蛇影,看到一点动静就害怕得不得了。

The child is always imagining danger, getting scared at the slightest noise.

4. 他被杯弓蛇影,一听到我的声音就吓得躲起来了。

He is so easily frightened that he hides as soon as he hears my voice.

5. 她的杯弓蛇影让她无法享受户外活动。

Her irrational fear prevents her from enjoying outdoor activities.

6. 他的杯弓蛇影源于小时候的一次恐怖经历。

His irrational fear stems from a traumatic experience in childhood.

7. 不要因为杯弓蛇影而放弃你的梦想。

Don't let imaginary fears stop you from pursuing your dreams.

8. 她的杯弓蛇影让她无法独自在家。

Her irrational fear prevents her from being alone at home.

9. 虽然他的杯弓蛇影让他感到害怕,但他还是决定勇敢地面对恐惧。

Despite his irrational fear, he decided to bravely face his fears.

10. 他的杯弓蛇影让他看到树枝晃动就以为是蛇。

His irrational fear makes him think that a moving branch is a snake.

11. 杯弓蛇影使得她无法独自外出。

Imaginary fears prevent her from going out alone.

12. 小狗的杯弓蛇影让它害怕每一个陌生的声音。

The puppy's irrational fear makes it scared of every unfamiliar sound.

13. 他的杯弓蛇影让他无法享受户外活动。

His irrational fear prevents him from enjoying outdoor activities.

14. 她的杯弓蛇影让她在看到黑暗中的影子时感到恐慌。

Her irrational fear makes her panic when she sees shadows in the dark.

15. 不要因为杯弓蛇影而错过了美好的生活。

Don't miss out on a beautiful life because of imaginary fears.


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