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时间: 2024-09-19 11:27:24


1. 他一向笨手笨脚的,经常把东西弄丢。

He is always clumsy and often loses things.

2. 她笨手笨脚地摔倒了,把膝盖摔破了。

She clumsily fell and scraped her knee.

3. 我笨手笨脚的,连最简单的任务都做不好。

I am so clumsy that I can't even do the simplest tasks properly.

4. 他笨手笨脚地搬运货物,结果把东西摔碎了。

He clumsily moved the goods and ended up breaking something.

5. 她总是笨手笨脚的,不小心把杯子打翻了。

She is always clumsy and accidentally knocked over the cup.

6. 他笨手笨脚地尝试着修理电视,结果把它弄坏了。

He clumsily tried to fix the TV and ended up breaking it.

7. 她笨手笨脚地走路,差点摔倒。

She walked clumsily and almost fell over.

8. 我笨手笨脚的,把碗摔破了。

I clumsily broke the bowl.

9. 他笨手笨脚地打字,总是按错键。

He clumsily types and always hits the wrong keys.

10. 她笨手笨脚地缝补衣服,结果把针扎到手指上了。

She clumsily sewed the clothes and ended up pricking her finger with the needle.

11. 他笨手笨脚地试图做饭,结果把锅烧焦了。

He clumsily attempted to cook and ended up burning the pot.

12. 她笨手笨脚地梳头,把头发梳乱了。

She clumsily combed her hair and made it messy.

13. 他笨手笨脚地试图修理自行车,结果把车胎弄破了。

He clumsily tried to fix the bike and ended up puncturing the tire.

14. 她笨手笨脚地跳舞,踩到了别人的脚。

She clumsily danced and stepped on someone else's foot.

15. 他笨手笨脚地搬运箱子,差点把自己绊倒了。

He clumsily moved the boxes and almost tripped himself.


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