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时间: 2024-09-19 11:36:03


1. 我非常喜欢这个城市的风景。

I really love the scenery of this city.

2. 他非常努力地工作,为了实现他的梦想。

He works very hard to achieve his dreams.

3. 她对这个项目非常热情。

She is very passionate about this project.

4. 我非常感激你的帮助。

I am very grateful for your help.

5. 孩子们非常兴奋地等待着圣诞节的到来。

The children are very excited for Christmas to come.

6. 我们非常期待这次旅行。

We are very much looking forward to this trip.

7. 她对学习新知识非常兴奋。

She is very excited about learning new things.

8. 那场演出非常精彩,我很享受。

The performance was very exciting, and I enjoyed it a lot.

9. 这个消息对他来说非常重要。

This news is very important to him.

10. 我们非常需要你的帮助。

We really need your help.

11. 那个地方非常漂亮,我想再去一次。

That place is very beautiful, and I want to go there again.

12. 他们的婚礼非常隆重。

Their wedding was very grand.

13. 我们非常担心你的安全。

We are very worried about your safety.

14. 这个问题非常复杂,需要时间来解决。

This problem is very complicated and will take time to solve.

15. 她对音乐的热爱非常深。

Her love for music is very deep.


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