时间: 2024-11-07 18:13:01
1. 他的生活颠沛流离,充满了挑战和不确定性。
His life is full of upheaval and uncertainty.
2. 难民们颠沛流离,无家可归。
The refugees are in a state of upheaval, with no place to call home.
3. 在战争中,许多人颠沛流离,失去了家园。
Many people were uprooted and displaced during the war, losing their homes.
4. 她的家庭经历了颠沛流离的历程,但他们始终保持乐观。
Her family has gone through upheaval and displacement, but they have remained optimistic.
5. 在这个动荡的时期,颠沛流离成为了许多人的命运。
During this tumultuous period, upheaval and displacement became the fate of many people.
6. 他们在战争中颠沛流离,最终找到了新的家园。
They were uprooted and displaced during the war, but eventually found a new home.
7. 这个国家的政治动荡导致了许多人的颠沛流离。
The political turmoil in this country has led to the upheaval and displacement of many people.
8. 那个城市在地震后变得一片颠沛流离。
The city became a scene of upheaval and displacement after the earthquake.
9. 尽管经历了颠沛流离,他们依然坚强地生活着。
Despite the upheaval and displacement they have experienced, they continue to live resiliently.
10. 在这个动荡的时期,许多人被迫颠沛流离。
Many people were forced into upheaval and displacement during this tumultuous period.
11. 在自然灾害中,许多家庭遭受了颠沛流离的命运。
Many families suffered the fate of upheaval and displacement in natural disasters.
12. 那个国家的政治动荡导致了数百万人的颠沛流离。
The political turmoil in that country led to the upheaval and displacement of millions of people.
13. 小镇上的居民经历了颠沛流离,但他们依然相互扶持。
The residents of the town experienced upheaval and displacement, but they still supported each other.
14. 在这个战争中,成千上万的人颠沛流离,无家可归。
In this war, thousands of people were uprooted and displaced, with no place to call home.
15. 尽管颠沛流离,他们依然保持着乐观的心态。
Despite the upheaval and displacement, they still maintain an optimistic attitude.
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