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时间: 2024-09-20 01:09:43


1. 我常常去图书馆借书。

I often go to the library to borrow books.

2. 他常常迟到。

He is often late.

3. 她常常去健身房锻炼。

She often goes to the gym to workout.

4. 孩子们常常在院子里玩耍。

The children often play in the yard.

5. 我们常常一起去看电影。

We often go to watch movies together.

6. 父母常常给我们带来礼物。

Our parents often bring us gifts.

7. 他们常常在周末出去郊游。

They often go on outings on weekends.

8. 她常常忘记带钥匙。

She often forgets to bring her keys.

9. 他常常在工作中犯错误。

He often makes mistakes at work.

10. 我们常常一起去旅行。

We often travel together.

11. 他常常对我说谎。

He often lies to me.

12. 她常常在家里做家务。

She often does housework at home.

13. 他们常常一起打篮球。

They often play basketball together.

14. 我们常常一起做饭。

We often cook together.

15. 她常常给我发短信。

She often sends me messages.


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