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时间: 2024-09-20 05:56:56


1. 如果你努力学习,你一定会取得好成绩。

If you study hard, you will definitely achieve good results.

2. 如果天气好,我们可以去公园野餐。

If the weather is nice, we can go to the park for a picnic.

3. 如果你需要帮助,我会随时支持你。

If you need help, I will support you at any time.

4. 如果你不努力工作,就不会成功。

If you don't work hard, you won't succeed.

5. 如果你不小心,可能会摔倒。

If you are not careful, you might fall.

6. 如果你迟到了,老师会扣分。

If you are late, the teacher will deduct points.

7. 如果我有钱,我会去旅行。

If I had money, I would travel.

8. 如果你不改变态度,我们将无法合作。

If you don't change your attitude, we won't be able to collaborate.

9. 如果我能回到过去,我会做出不同的选择。

If I could go back in time, I would make different choices.

10. 如果你不理解,我可以再解释一遍。

If you don't understand, I can explain it again.

11. 如果你不吃早餐,你会觉得很饿。

If you don't eat breakfast, you will feel very hungry.

12. 如果你不喜欢这个颜色,我们可以换一个。

If you don't like this color, we can change it.

13. 如果你不锁门,可能会被偷。

If you don't lock the door, you might get robbed.

14. 如果你不去医院,伤口可能会感染。

If you don't go to the hospital, the wound might get infected.

15. 如果你不尊重别人,就不会得到尊重。

If you don't respect others, you won't be respected.


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