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【汉语】look for造句,中英对照

时间: 2024-09-19 11:36:51


1. I will look for my keys before leaving the house. (我会在离开家之前找我的钥匙。)

2. She will look for a new job after graduating from college. (她将在大学毕业后寻找一份新工作。)

3. The police will look for the missing child in the park. (警察会在公园里寻找失踪的孩子。)

4. We need to look for a solution to this problem. (我们需要寻找这个问题的解决办法。)

5. I will look for a new book to read at the library. (我会在图书馆找一本新书来读。)

6. She will look for her lost phone in the house. (她会在房子里找她丢失的手机。)

7. The detective will look for clues at the crime scene. (侦探会在犯罪现场寻找线索。)

8. We should look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint. (我们应该寻找减少碳足迹的方法。)

9. He will look for a new apartment in the city. (他会在城市里找一套新公寓。)

10. The team will look for a new sponsor for their upcoming competition. (团队将为即将到来的比赛寻找一个新的赞助商。)

11. I will look for a new recipe to try for dinner. (我会寻找一个新的食谱尝试做晚餐。)

12. The company will look for ways to improve employee satisfaction. (公司将寻找方法来提高员工满意度。)

13. She will look for a new hobby to pursue in her free time. (她会寻找一个新的爱好在空闲时间追求。)

14. They will look for a compromise to resolve the disagreement. (他们会寻找一个妥协来解决分歧。)

15. We should look for opportunities to volunteer in our community. (我们应该寻找在社区做义工的机会。)


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