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【汉语】whether or not造句,中英对照

时间: 2024-09-17 13:04:26


1. 我们需要确定是否继续进行这项计划。

We need to determine whether or not to proceed with this plan.

2. 他们还在考虑是否参加这次比赛。

They are still considering whether or not to participate in the competition.

3. 你确定是否应该和他们交谈。

You need to decide whether or not to talk to them.

4. 老板还没有决定是否要给我们加薪。

The boss has not decided whether or not to give us a raise.

5. 我们应该先弄清楚是否有必要进行这项改变。

We should first determine whether or not it is necessary to make this change.

6. 你需要搞清楚是否这个决定符合公司的利益。

You need to figure out whether or not this decision is in the best interest of the company.

7. 我们需要知道是否这个产品符合客户的需求。

We need to know whether or not this product meets the needs of the customers.

8. 她在考虑是否接受这份工作提议。

She is considering whether or not to accept this job offer.

9. 请告诉我是否你愿意帮助我。

Please tell me whether or not you are willing to help me.

10. 我们需要弄清楚是否这个项目值得投资。

We need to find out whether or not this project is worth investing in.

11. 你应该决定是否要继续这段关系。

You should decide whether or not to continue this relationship.

12. 我们正在讨论是否应该取消这次活动。

We are discussing whether or not to cancel this event.

13. 他还在思考是否应该搬到另一个城市。

He is still pondering whether or not to move to another city.

14. 我们需要确认是否这个方案符合我们的预期。

We need to confirm whether or not this plan meets our expectations.

15. 你需要慎重考虑是否这个决定会对你的未来产生影响。

You need to carefully consider whether or not this decision will impact your future.


上一个 【汉语】be based on造句,中英对照 文章列表 下一个 【汉语】掉队造句,中英对照



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