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时间: 2024-09-19 11:47:18


1. 承上启下,我们需要继续努力。

Continuing from the previous point and starting a new one, we need to keep working hard.

2. 他在会议上承上启下,让大家对这个项目有了更清晰的认识。

He connected the previous discussion to the new one in the meeting, giving everyone a clearer understanding of the project.

3. 承上启下的演讲让听众对这个议题有了更深入的理解。

The speech, which connected the previous point to the new one, gave the audience a deeper understanding of the topic.

4. 我们需要承上启下地思考问题,不能只看到表面。

We need to think about the problem in a way that connects the previous point to the new one, not just on the surface.

5. 承上启下的讲话引起了大家的兴趣,让他们更加关注这个话题。

The speech, which connected the previous point to the new one, sparked everyone's interest and made them pay more attention to the topic.

6. 他在报告中巧妙地承上启下,使得整个逻辑更加清晰。

He cleverly connected the previous point to the new one in the report, making the whole logic clearer.

7. 承上启下的发言方式可以让听众更容易理解你的观点。

Connecting the previous point to the new one in your speech can make it easier for the audience to understand your point.

8. 在写作中,承上启下是非常重要的,可以让整篇文章更加连贯。

In writing, connecting the previous point to the new one is very important and can make the whole article more coherent.

9. 承上启下的逻辑关系可以帮助我们更好地理解问题的本质。

The logical connection between the previous point and the new one can help us better understand the essence of the problem.

10. 他的演讲承上启下,让听众跟随着他的思路一起思考。

His speech, which connected the previous point to the new one, made the audience follow his thinking.

11. 承上启下的方式可以让我们更好地组织思维,表达清晰。

Connecting the previous point to the new one can help us better organize our thoughts and express them clearly.

12. 在讨论问题时,我们应该承上启下地分析,不能只看到一面。

When discussing a problem, we should analyze it in a way that connects the previous point to the new one, not just focusing on one aspect.

13. 承上启下的思维方式可以帮助我们更好地理解复杂的问题。

The thinking that connects the previous point to the new one can help us better understand complex issues.

14. 他在会议上承上启下,使得大家对公司的发展方向有了更清晰的认识。

He connected the previous discussion to the new one in the meeting, giving everyone a clearer understanding of the company's development direction.

15. 承上启下的讲话方式让听众更容易跟上你的思路。

The speech that connects the previous point to the new one makes it easier for the audience to follow your thinking.


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