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时间: 2024-09-20 11:15:27


1. 这部小说描写了清朝末年的社会风貌,是一部稗官野史。

This novel depicts the social customs of the late Qing Dynasty and is a work of historical fiction.

2. 他喜欢读一些稗官野史,以了解古代的风土人情。

He likes to read some historical fiction to understand the customs and practices of ancient times.

3. 这部稗官野史虽然被指责为虚构,但却反映了当时社会的一些真实情况。

Although this historical fiction has been criticized as fictional, it reflects some real situations in society at that time.

4. 他在稗官野史中发现了一些关于古代政治的有趣细节。

He found some interesting details about ancient politics in the historical fiction.

5. 这部稗官野史以其生动的语言和细致的描写吸引了很多读者。

This historical fiction has attracted many readers with its vivid language and detailed descriptions.

6. 虽然是稗官野史,但它却揭示了当时社会的一些黑暗面。

Although it is historical fiction, it reveals some dark aspects of society at that time.

7. 这部稗官野史的情节曲折,引人入胜。

The plot of this historical fiction is intricate and captivating.

8. 他一口气读完了这部稗官野史,被其中的故事情节深深吸引。

He finished reading this historical fiction in one breath and was deeply attracted by the story.

9. 这部稗官野史中的主人公形象鲜明,令人难忘。

The protagonist in this historical fiction is vivid and unforgettable.

10. 这部稗官野史虽然是虚构的故事,但却反映了古代社会的一些普遍现象。

Although this historical fiction is a fictional story, it reflects some common phenomena in ancient society.

11. 他对稗官野史情有独钟,一直在收集各种版本的这类小说。

He has a special fondness for historical fiction and has been collecting various versions of such novels.

12. 这部稗官野史描写了当时社会的种种荒诞现象,令人深思。

This historical fiction depicts the absurd phenomena of society at that time, which is thought-provoking.

13. 他的新作品被誉为稗官野史的经典之作。

His new work is acclaimed as a classic of historical fiction.

14. 这部稗官野史的作者用细腻的笔触描绘了古代社会的繁华与荒诞。

The author of this historical fiction depicts the prosperity and absurdity of ancient society with delicate strokes.

15. 这部稗官野史以其独特的视角和丰富的想象力,为读者呈现了一个多姿多彩的古代世界。

This historical fiction presents readers with a colorful ancient world with its unique perspective and rich imagination.


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