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时间: 2024-09-20 08:34:54


1. 不光是他,还有他的朋友也参加了比赛。

Not only he, but also his friend participated in the competition.

2. 她不光是个优秀的歌手,还是一位杰出的作曲家。

She is not only a great singer, but also an outstanding composer.

3. 这家餐厅不光提供美味的食物,还有舒适的用餐环境。

This restaurant not only offers delicious food, but also a comfortable dining environment.

4. 他不光会说英语,还精通法语和德语。

He not only speaks English, but also is fluent in French and German.

5. 她不光是一位杰出的科学家,还是一位慈善家。

She is not only an outstanding scientist, but also a philanthropist.

6. 这个城市不光有现代化的建筑,还有保存完好的古老建筑。

This city not only has modern buildings, but also well-preserved ancient architecture.

7. 这本书不光讲述了历史事件,还深入探讨了人物内心世界。

This book not only tells historical events, but also delves into the inner world of the characters.

8. 这个项目不光有经济效益,还有环保效益。

This project not only has economic benefits, but also environmental benefits.

9. 这位老师不光对学生严格要求,还给予他们很多鼓励和支持。

This teacher not only has strict requirements for students, but also gives them a lot of encouragement and support.

10. 这家公司不光有高薪酬,还提供丰厚的福利待遇。

This company not only has high salaries, but also offers generous benefits.

11. 这个城市不光有美丽的风景,还有丰富的文化底蕴。

This city not only has beautiful scenery, but also rich cultural heritage.

12. 这部电影不光有惊险的剧情,还有感人的情感表达。

This movie not only has thrilling plots, but also touching emotional expressions.

13. 这件衣服不光时尚,还很舒适。

This clothing is not only fashionable, but also very comfortable.

14. 这款手机不光功能强大,还外观精美。

This mobile phone is not only powerful in function, but also exquisite in appearance.

15. 这种食物不光美味,还营养丰富。

This food is not only delicious, but also nutritious.


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