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时间: 2024-10-07 00:57:31


1. 他点头哈腰地向老板道歉。

He bowed and apologized to the boss.

2. 她点头哈腰地恳求原谅。

She bowed and begged for forgiveness.

3. 在那个国家,人们习惯点头哈腰以示尊重。

In that country, people are accustomed to bowing as a sign of respect.

4. 老板要求员工点头哈腰,但是并没有给予足够的回报。

The boss demanded that the employees bow and scrape, but did not give them enough in return.

5. 他在面试时点头哈腰,希望能够得到这份工作。

He bowed and scraped during the interview, hoping to get the job.

6. 这位客户对待服务员非常粗鲁,而服务员不得不点头哈腰。

The customer was very rude to the waiter, who had to bow and scrape.

7. 虽然他是个大明星,但他在家里还是得点头哈腰。

Even though he is a big star, he still has to bow and scrape at home.

8. 哪有这样点头哈腰的人!

Who would bow and scrape like that!

9. 他不愿意点头哈腰,宁可失去这份工作。

He would rather lose the job than bow and scrape.

10. 她不肯点头哈腰向任何人。

She refused to bow and scrape to anyone.

11. 他的点头哈腰让人感到非常不舒服。

His bowing and scraping made people very uncomfortable.

12. 在这个公司,你必须点头哈腰才能得到重视。

In this company, you have to bow and scrape to get noticed.

13. 他的点头哈腰并没有得到老板的认可。

His bowing and scraping did not earn him the boss's approval.

14. 尽管他点头哈腰,但是他并没有得到提升。

Despite his bowing and scraping, he did not get a promotion.

15. 她决定不再点头哈腰,要为自己争取尊严。

She decided to stop bowing and scraping and fight for her dignity.


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