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时间: 2024-10-07 02:46:27


1. 这个小岛上居住着各种奇怪的生物。

There are all kinds of strange creatures living on this island.

2. 我们在森林里看到了一只奇怪的生物。

We saw a strange creature in the forest.

3. 传说中有一种神秘的海洋生物。

There is a legendary creature in the ocean.

4. 在深海中发现了一种新的生物。

A new creature was discovered in the deep sea.

5. 这个地区的原住民相信森林中有着神秘的生物。

The indigenous people of this area believe in mystical creatures in the forest.

6. 这个地区有一种叫做土狼的奇怪生物。

There is a strange creature called the earth wolf in this area.

7. 传说中有一种名为独角兽的神秘生物。

There is a legendary creature called the unicorn.

8. 我们在树林中发现了一种从未见过的动物。

We found a creature in the woods that we had never seen before.

9. 这个地区的神话中有着各种奇怪的生物。

The mythology of this area is filled with all kinds of strange creatures.

10. 那个山洞里住着一种神秘的生物。

There is a mysterious creature living in that cave.

11. 这个小岛上有一种叫做水精灵的生物。

There is a creature called a water sprite on this island.

12. 在这片森林中发现了一种罕见的生物。

A rare creature was found in this forest.

13. 传说中有一种叫做凤凰的神秘生物。

There is a legendary creature called the phoenix.

14. 这个地区的民间传说中有着一种叫做林妖的生物。

The folklore of this area includes a creature called the forest nymph.

15. 一群探险家声称他们在丛林中遇到了一种未知的生物。

A group of explorers claimed to have encountered an unknown creature in the jungle.


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