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时间: 2024-10-06 22:56:03


1. 春天来了,万物复苏。

Spring has come and everything is coming back to life.

2. 春天来了,花儿开得正艳。

Spring has arrived, and the flowers are blooming beautifully.

3. 春天来了,树枝上长满了嫩绿的叶子。

Spring is here, and the branches are covered with tender green leaves.

4. 春天来了,阳光明媚,风和日丽。

Spring has come, the sun is shining, and the weather is beautiful.

5. 春天来了,小鸟欢快地歌唱着。

Spring has arrived, and the birds are singing cheerfully.

6. 春天来了,草地上长满了野花。

Spring has come, and the meadow is covered with wildflowers.

7. 春天来了,孩子们在公园里奔跑玩耍。

Spring has arrived, and the children are running and playing in the park.

8. 春天来了,人们开始种植蔬菜和水果。

Spring has come, and people are starting to plant vegetables and fruits.

9. 春天来了,河流中的冰雪融化成了清澈的水流。

Spring has arrived, and the ice and snow in the river have melted into clear water.

10. 春天来了,天空中飘着温暖的微风。

Spring has come, and there is a warm breeze blowing in the sky.

11. 春天来了,家家户户都开始打扫卫生。

Spring has arrived, and every household is starting to clean up.

12. 春天来了,农民开始耕种田地。

Spring has come, and farmers are starting to plow the fields.

13. 春天来了,人们开始换上轻薄的衣服。

Spring has arrived, and people are starting to wear light and thin clothes.

14. 春天来了,夜晚的天空布满了繁星。

Spring has come, and the night sky is filled with stars.

15. 春天来了,一切都充满了希望和活力。

Spring has arrived, and everything is filled with hope and vitality.


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