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时间: 2024-11-08 22:07:02


1. 他丁了一下门铃。

He rang the doorbell.

2. 她丁了一下他的肩膀。

She tapped him on the shoulder.

3. 请你丁一下我的手机看看时间。

Can you tap my phone to check the time?

4. 他丁了一下窗户,发现它是开的。

He tapped on the window and found it was open.

5. 丁一下我的肩膀,我没注意到你在那里。

Tap my shoulder, I didn't notice you were there.

6. 他丁了一下鼓,开始演奏音乐。

He tapped the drum and started playing music.

7. 她丁了一下键盘,重新开始写作。

She tapped the keyboard and started writing again.

8. 丁门铃的声音吵醒了我。

The sound of the doorbell tapping woke me up.

9. 我感觉到有人丁了一下我的后背。

I felt someone tap my back.

10. 他丁了一下窗户,示意我向外看。

He tapped on the window, signaling me to look outside.

11. 请你丁一下我的手,我想看看你的戒指。

Can you tap my hand, I want to see your ring.

12. 他丁了一下我的脚踝,提醒我小心地面。

He tapped my ankle, reminding me to be careful on the ground.

13. 她丁了一下他的腿,示意他离开。

She tapped his leg, signaling him to leave.

14. 我听到有人丁了一下窗户。

I heard someone tap on the window.

15. 他丁了一下我,让我知道他在我身后。

He tapped me, letting me know he was behind me.


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