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时间: 2024-11-08 08:37:44


1. 他开着奔驰车去参加朋友的婚礼。

He drove his Mercedes to attend his friend's wedding.

2. 她的奔驰车是黑色的,非常漂亮。

Her Mercedes is black and very beautiful.

3. 他的奔驰车是最新款的。

His Mercedes is the latest model.

4. 她的奔驰车在高速公路上飞驰而过。

Her Mercedes zoomed past on the highway.

5. 这辆奔驰车的性能非常出色。

This Mercedes has excellent performance.

6. 他花了很多钱买了一辆奔驰车。

He spent a lot of money to buy a Mercedes.

7. 她梦想着有一天能拥有一辆奔驰车。

She dreams of owning a Mercedes one day.

8. 这辆奔驰车的内饰非常豪华。

The interior of this Mercedes is very luxurious.

9. 他的奔驰车是德国制造的。

His Mercedes is made in Germany.

10. 她以前开着一辆奔驰车上班。

She used to drive a Mercedes to work.

11. 这辆奔驰车的价值超过了一百万美元。

The value of this Mercedes exceeds one million dollars.

12. 他的奔驰车被盗了,让他非常沮丧。

His Mercedes was stolen, which made him very upset.

13. 她的奔驰车在车展上吸引了很多人的目光。

Her Mercedes attracted a lot of attention at the car show.

14. 这辆奔驰车的发动机声音非常动听。

The engine sound of this Mercedes is very pleasing to the ears.

15. 他的奔驰车是他的骄傲。

His Mercedes is his pride and joy.


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