时间: 2024-11-08 01:04:32
1. 这个问题很难辨别。
This problem is difficult to distinguish.
2. 他们辨认出了失踪的孩子。
They identified the missing child.
3. 我可以清楚地辨认出他的声音。
I can clearly distinguish his voice.
4. 这两种酒很难辨别。
These two wines are difficult to differentiate.
5. 他们辨认出了假钞。
They detected the counterfeit money.
6. 你能辨认出这是什么品种的狗吗?
Can you identify what breed of dog this is?
7. 我们需要辨别真相和谎言。
We need to distinguish between truth and lies.
8. 这个机器人可以辨认人脸。
This robot can recognize human faces.
9. 她辨别出了那个人的真实身份。
She identified the true identity of that person.
10. 警察辨认出了嫌疑人。
The police identified the suspect.
11. 我们需要辨别出哪些信息是可信的。
We need to discern which information is reliable.
12. 他们辨认出了这个物体的用途。
They identified the purpose of this object.
13. 这种技术可以辨认出声音的来源。
This technology can discern the source of the sound.
14. 他们辨别出了这幅画的价值。
They recognized the value of this painting.
15. 他们辨认出了这个问题的关键点。
They identified the key points of this issue.
- 1. 俄语 用урок造句
- 2. 【汉语】造句
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- 16. 【汉语】非常的造句,中英对照
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- 20. 【汉语】杯弓蛇影造句,中英对照