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时间: 2024-11-10 07:31:53


1. 我们要注意交通安全。

We need to pay attention to traffic safety.

2. 妈妈说要小心火。

Mom said to be careful with fire.

3. 不要随便跟陌生人走。

Don't go with strangers.

4. 别乱玩火柴,很危险。

Don't play with matches, it's very dangerous.

5. 过马路要牵着爸爸妈妈的手。

Hold your parents' hands when crossing the road.

6. 不要在水边乱跑。

Don't run around the water.

7. 玩具小心别弄丢了。

Be careful not to lose your toys.

8. 不要随便吃不认识的东西。

Don't eat things you don't know.

9. 不要随便开电器。

Don't turn on electrical appliances casually.

10. 别在楼梯上乱跑。

Don't run around on the stairs.

11. 看护好自己的小动物。

Take care of your pets.

12. 不要乱扔垃圾。

Don't litter.

13. 别随便打别人。

Don't hit others casually.

14. 不要随便接受陌生人的礼物。

Don't accept gifts from strangers casually.

15. 晚上睡觉要关好门窗。

Close the doors and windows when sleeping at night.


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