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时间: 2024-09-20 08:46:05


1. 他不但聪明,还非常有幽默感。

He is not only intelligent but also very humorous.

2. 她不但漂亮,还非常善良。

She is not only beautiful but also very kind.

3. 这个地方不但风景优美,还有很多历史遗迹。

This place is not only beautiful but also has a lot of historical sites.

4. 这家餐厅不但菜品丰富,还服务态度很好。

This restaurant not only has a wide variety of dishes but also provides excellent service.

5. 他不但是一个出色的演员,还是一位杰出的导演。

He is not only a great actor but also an outstanding director.

6. 这本书不但内容丰富,还写得非常生动有趣。

This book is not only rich in content but also written in a very vivid and interesting way.

7. 她不但是一名优秀的老师,还是一位慈爱的母亲。

She is not only an excellent teacher but also a loving mother.

8. 这个项目不但有利于环境保护,还可以创造就业机会。

This project is not only beneficial for environmental protection but also can create job opportunities.

9. 这部电影不但票房大卖,还获得了很多奖项。

This movie not only had a big box office success but also won many awards.

10. 这种食物不但味道好,还营养丰富。

This food is not only delicious but also nutritious.

11. 这个想法不但创新,还具有实际可行性。

This idea is not only innovative but also practical.

12. 这个学校不但教学水平高,还有很好的校园环境。

This school not only has a high teaching level but also a good campus environment.

13. 这位老板不但是一位成功的商人,还是一位慷慨的慈善家。

This boss is not only a successful businessman but also a generous philanthropist.

14. 这种技术不但可以提高效率,还可以减少成本。

This technology can not only improve efficiency but also reduce costs.

15. 这种药物不但可以缓解疼痛,还可以加快康复。

This medicine can not only relieve pain but also speed up recovery.


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