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时间: 2024-09-20 11:05:30


1. 我喜欢在大街小巷闲逛。

I like to wander around the streets and alleys.

2. 大街小巷都挤满了人。

The streets and alleys are crowded with people.

3. 他们在大街小巷宣传自己的产品。

They are promoting their products in the streets and alleys.

4. 这座城市的大街小巷都很干净。

The streets and alleys of this city are very clean.

5. 我们在大街小巷寻找了很久,终于找到了那家餐厅。

We searched for a long time in the streets and alleys and finally found that restaurant.

6. 大街小巷的建筑风格各异,很有特色。

The buildings in the streets and alleys have different styles and are very distinctive.

7. 他在大街小巷中找到了灵感,并创作了一幅美丽的画作。

He found inspiration in the streets and alleys and created a beautiful painting.

8. 这个城市的大街小巷都很繁华。

The streets and alleys of this city are very bustling.

9. 我们在大街小巷中迷路了。

We got lost in the streets and alleys.

10. 大街小巷的商店都在打折促销。

The shops in the streets and alleys are all on sale.

11. 他们在大街小巷中散发爱心。

They are spreading love in the streets and alleys.

12. 这个城市的大街小巷都很宽敞。

The streets and alleys of this city are very spacious.

13. 我喜欢在大街小巷中寻找古董。

I like to search for antiques in the streets and alleys.

14. 大街小巷中的小吃都很美味。

The snacks in the streets and alleys are delicious.

15. 他在大街小巷中寻找失踪的宠物。

He is searching for his missing pet in the streets and alleys.


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