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时间: 2024-10-06 17:49:22


1. 我喜欢在家做饺子。

I like making dumplings at home.

2. 昨晚我吃了一碗热腾腾的饺子汤。

Last night I had a bowl of hot dumpling soup.

3. 我最喜欢吃猪肉饺子。

My favorite dumplings are pork ones.

4. 她的饺子包得很漂亮。

She wraps the dumplings beautifully.

5. 我学会了如何包饺子。

I learned how to wrap dumplings.

6. 他们一家人围坐在桌前包饺子。

The whole family sat around the table wrapping dumplings.

7. 这家餐馆的饺子很好吃。

The dumplings at this restaurant are delicious.

8. 我们通常在春节吃饺子。

We usually eat dumplings during the Spring Festival.

9. 这家饺子店的生煎饺子很有名。

The pan-fried dumplings at this dumpling shop are famous.

10. 他们用馅料包了一百个饺子。

They wrapped a hundred dumplings with filling.

11. 我喜欢在酸辣汤里加点饺子。

I like to add dumplings to my hot and sour soup.

12. 她妈妈给她做了一盘鲜肉饺子。

Her mom made her a plate of fresh meat dumplings.

13. 我们在聚会上一起包了一大批饺子。

We wrapped a large batch of dumplings together at the party.

14. 他们家的饺子馅儿做得很好吃。

Their dumpling filling is very tasty.

15. 他们每年都会包一些饺子冻起来。

They freeze some dumplings every year.


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