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时间: 2024-10-06 19:53:08


1. 这片草地上的花朵已经凋零了。

The flowers on this meadow have withered.

2. 秋天来临时,树叶开始凋零。

When autumn comes, the leaves start to fall.

3. 她的容颜在岁月的洗礼下渐渐凋零。

Her beauty withered with the passage of time.

4. 这片土地上的树木因为干旱而凋零了。

The trees on this land withered due to drought.

5. 这个城市的景观因为环境污染而凋零。

The city's landscape withered due to environmental pollution.

6. 她的心情因为失恋而凋零了。

Her mood withered due to heartbreak.

7. 在这片贫瘠的土地上,几乎没有一株植物能够不凋零地生长。

On this barren land, hardly any plant can grow without withering.

8. 她的梦想在现实的打击下凋零了。

Her dreams withered under the blows of reality.

9. 这座古老的城堡因为年代久远而凋零了。

This ancient castle withered due to its age.

10. 他的声望因为丑闻的曝光而凋零了。

His reputation withered due to the exposure of scandal.

11. 这片土地上的农作物因为病虫害而凋零了。

The crops on this land withered due to disease and pests.

12. 在这片沙漠上,几乎没有一棵树木能够不凋零地存活。

On this desert, hardly any tree can survive without withering.

13. 这个项目因为资金断裂而凋零了。

This project withered due to lack of funding.

14. 在这片废墟上,曾经繁华的城市已经凋零了。

On this ruins, the once prosperous city has withered.

15. 他的健康因为长期的疾病而凋零了。

His health withered due to prolonged illness.


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