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时间: 2024-10-06 21:54:46


1. 今天的天气很晴朗,我决定去户外运动。

The weather today is very sunny, so I decided to do some outdoor exercises.

2. 我今天学到了很多关于历史的知识。

I learned a lot about history today.

3. 今天的工作很忙碌,我一直在开会和处理文件。

I had a busy day at work today, with back-to-back meetings and paperwork.

4. 今天的午餐很美味,我尝试了一家新开的餐厅。

I had a delicious lunch today at a new restaurant I tried.

5. 今天的新闻报道了一起重大事件。

Today's news reported a major event.

6. 我今天买了一件新衣服,觉得很开心。

I bought a new piece of clothing today and feel happy about it.

7. 今天我去了医院,检查了身体。

I went to the hospital today for a checkup.

8. 今天我和朋友们一起去了电影院。

I went to the movies with my friends today.

9. 今天我在超市购物时碰到了一个老朋友。

I ran into an old friend while shopping at the supermarket today.

10. 今天我学会了如何做一道新菜。

I learned how to make a new dish today.

11. 今天我终于完成了那篇长篇论文。

I finally finished that long paper today.

12. 今天我在书店买了一本新书。

I bought a new book at the bookstore today.

13. 今天我在网上购物时发现了一些好的折扣。

I found some good discounts while shopping online today.

14. 今天我去了健身房,锻炼了一个小时。

I went to the gym and worked out for an hour today.

15. 今天我和家人一起度过了一个愉快的周末。

I had a pleasant weekend with my family today.


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